Thursday, November 10, 2011

29 October 2011

The solitude of running is one of my favorite things about this hobby. I can spend hours lost in thought, focused on music, or in awe at the Creation around me. (Don't worry, running buddies, I still like group runs.) Like many American recreational runners, I usually listen to music, originally to inspire through rhythm (regardless of the subject matter), but any more the music is there to pass the time. Today my run was bookended with the song "Circuital" by the band My Morning Jacket. Frankly, there's not some deep philosophical connection tying together the song, running, and the greater good. I thought maybe I'd turn some of you onto this band.

The last couple updates I have included some photos. This weeks' photo is my left leg, sporting what will likely cover the 26.2 miles laid out by the good folks at Kiawah Island, South Carolina. Since the race is just a couple weeks before Christmas, I thought I'd get festive with the sock/shoe combination. Surely these will go well with the RUNWATER jersey I'll be drenching with sweat (but hopefully no blood…see next week's photo).

Here are my workouts for the week:

Monday, 10/24: 3.21 miles, 7:32/mile
Wednesday, 10/26: 8.04 miles, 7:56/mile
Thursday, 10/27: 3.25 miles, 8:14/mile
Saturday, 10/29: 20/28 miles, 8:46/mile

Next week I'll include the totals for the month of October. Additionally, I'm excited to participate in the recreational event tomorrow, the Crack a 40 5k. Those 3.1 miles will be with a group of folks to celebrate the 40th birthday of our friend, Aaron. When he reaches the finish line, Aaron will have completed 300 miles in 2011!

As always, please consider sharing information about Mentor Leaders ( and the donor site ( with anyone who may be interested.

Until next week,

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