Saturday, November 12, 2011

12 November 2011

About a year ago I read Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. It's a well-written book about an isolated tribe that lives in the Copper Canyons in Mexico. Well, that's oversimplifying things a bit, but as I learned in my literature classes, no good book can be easily summarized. I mention it here because of the way Western civilization (for which I am thankful, by the way) has complicated something as simple as running. In the book, McDougall describes the Tarahumara people as running in kilt-like clothing, ornate linen shirts, and leather sandals. During my run today, I wore running tights (it was 40 degrees when I started), socks designed to diminish between-toe blisters, moisture-wicking shorts and shirt, and a lightweight running jacket. And I haven't even discussed my shoes, iPod, RoadID, or cold weather running hat. So today's update, I suppose, is about the myriad products that exist to make our lives easier. And so is this week's picture. It's the shirt our friend's husband wore to complete the 2011 Columbus Marathon (he qualified for the Boston Marathon!). And it's why I choose NipGuards.

As you look around you, having read this email on a computer, mobile phone, or some other device, be thankful for the clean water you have. Take a drink; take a shower; wash your clothes and dishes. Then tell someone about Mentor Leaders (, help RUNWATER celebrate its first birthday (, and consider sharing the donor site (

Thank you so very much, not simply for supporting me in this endeavor, but for investing in the lives of the villagers of Gbentchal, Togo. They love you for it.

Here's a recap of this week, which was a recovery week:

Monday, 11/7: 7.03 miles; 8:47/mile
Wednesday, 11/9: 7.05 miles; 9:12/mile
Friday, 11/11 (Veterans' Day, Nigel Tufnel Day, and Corduroy Appreciation Day:
7.36 miles; 8:09/mile
Saturday, 11/12: 7.37 miles; 8:48/mile

Until next week.

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