Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Obsession? You say that like it's a bad thing.

I've chronicled my early running days a couple times, how I was pretty sure I was going to die, that my legs were going to detach from the rest of my body, that I was probably asthmatic. In fact, I was sure that anyone who spoke of the "runner's high" was likely high themselves. The truth is that it took me nearly six excruciating months of consistent running (mostly on a treadmill because, well....vanity kept me indoors) before I would even come close to admitting liking it. As I've pointed out before, I couldn't string together two consecutive miles during my first run without dry heaving in my basement.

And here we are, over six years later. I'm training for my ninth marathon (THE marathon, at that), having, to date, raised over $25,000 for the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley during the process, and it's funny the kinds of things people tell me. "You're an inspiration." "I admire your discipline." "Related comments." Truth be told, and I usually say it, I'm no inspiration, I'm just stubborn...and slightly obsessed. Rather than discipline, I'd say compulsion. Honestly, my mind would probably be a wreck if I didn't run. This doesn't mean I run every day, but I am always eager to run, plan a route, push the pace. And while I may not reach euphoria during every run, on a weekly basis I feel much better...about everything (yes, even the upcoming American presidential election...but maybe I'm being naive).

If you're interested in yet another funny, mindless internet quiz, take Buzzfeed's "How Much of a Running Nerd Are You." Maybe we can compare. I got "You're way into running...you're a runner, but you do/like other stuff in life, too. Congrats on the healthy moderation and balance!" My wife might be surprised.

Monday: 1200-yard swim and HIIT at Cakes' House
Tuesday: 6.13 miles
Wednesday: 10.06 miles
Thursday: HIIT at BTF
Friday: 3.03 miles
Saturday: 22.02 miles (see photo & caption)
Total: 41.24 miles

In order to celebrate my birthday this weekend, my lovely bride invited many of our friends to surprise me at the end of my long run. Thanks to her, especially, and all the other crazies who made signs and helped me close out another decade on Earth. Cheers.

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