I include a picture of this trail, though, because at the end of this arduous run, my feet were cold and wet. (At one point a tractor was parked on the trail, and in order to avoid it I had to run through six inches of freezing, muddy water.) This, in turn, reminded me of a conversation I once had with a homeless man who said one of the things he most covets is fresh, dry socks. Seriously. That's humbling because I have more than one drawer filled with clean socks, some I haven't worn in a year or more! And I barely think twice about it. (I really ought to carry a bag of them in my car to give away.)
In Life of the Beloved, Henri Nouwen writes (to his friend), "You live in New York. I live in Toronto. As you walk down Columbus Avenue and I down Yonge Street, we can have no illusions about the darkness. The loneliness, the homelessness, and the addictedness of people are all too visible. Yet all of these people yearn for a blessing. That blessing can be given only by those who have heard it themselves." And later, "Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life...all of our life." Don't you see, friends, you and I have so very much. We have been blessed. Simply, I have a drawer filled with socks that I've all but forgotten about. And all people really want is a blessing. Not a handout. But to know they are loved. You are loved. You can (and should) love.
Some of my training got shifted a bit this week on account of the snow. But here's how it went.
Monday: Cross-train
Tuesday: Rest (which included clearing driveways)
Wednesday: 6.02 miles, repeats
Thursday: HIIT at Body Temple Fitness, yo! + 7.26 miles
Friday: 3.02 miles
Saturday: 18.01 miles
Total: 34.31 miles
To date, you've helped me raise $7384 for the Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley! And I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement and support. Please feel free to share the fundraising campaign with your friends and family.
Pittsburgh Marathon, 5/5/2013
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